
Can You Get A Patent On An Idea

Protecting an Idea: Can Ideas Be Patented or Protected?Many people ask: tin ideas exist patented? The brusque answer is no. Unfortunately, despite what yous may have heard from late night boob tube commercials, there is no constructive manner to protect an idea with whatever form of intellectual property protection. Copyrights protect expression and creativity, non innovation.  Patents protect inventions. Neither copyrights or patents protect ideas. This is non to suggest that ideas are not valuable, but they are not valuable in the same manner or sense that pop culture has led many to believe.

It is, of course, axiomatic that an idea is an essential first step toward whatsoever invention. Nothing can or will happen without an idea, so in one sense ideas are a critical, and valuable, piece to the overall innovation equation. In and of themselves, yet, ideas are not monetarily valuable. Without some identifiable manifestation of the thought there tin can exist no intellectual property protection obtained and no exclusive rights volition period.

Without whatever protection, whether bodily (i.due east., in the class of an issued patent) or perceived (i.e., in the form of a pending patent application that defines the invention and could if pursued mature into an issued patent), ideas are free. Absent patent protection or a confidentiality understanding that accepts an obligation not use or disclose an idea – which are extremely difficult if not impossible to obtain with merely an thought – the thought tin can be taken and used without payment.


While confidentiality agreements, or non-disclosure agreements equally they are sometimes called, are absolutely essential for inventors in the early stages to protect their thought, the problem is they are only going to provide protection with respect to those who have accustomed the confidentiality obligation. And if and when the confidentiality obligation is broken yous only have a claim for breach of contract (i.e., breach of the confidentiality agreement), but the merchandise secret that was your invention will no longer be a underground. And so, before you would exist tempted to believe there is a broad based way to protect an thought without it maturing into an invention that can be patented, or fifty-fifty an invention without a patent, you need to consider spend time to sympathise the purposes and limitations of confidentiality agreements (see here and here) and trade secrets (see here, here and here).

This does not mean that inventors, or those who aspire to get inventors, should surrender at the idea stage when the realization is made that in that location is simply an idea present without some identifiable manifestation, just information technology does hateful that more than work is necessary in order to flesh out the idea and bring it across the idea innovation boundary. The goal is to get to the betoken where the thought it is physical enough to be more than than what the law would call a mere idea.

The moral of the story is that mere ideas cannot be protected, and so inventors need to think in terms of an invention.  Inventions can exist patented. Ideas cannot be patented. Then, you do non have an thought, you have an invention, or you will have an invention if you continue on your journey and don't give up. Y'all just need to become from the idea that inevitably begins the process to an invention, which is the culmination of the innovation function of the journey. And once the culmination of the innovation journeying is realized then information technology becomes time to file a patent application.

As i contemplates moving from thought to invention to patent and ultimately, hopefully riches, a dose of reality is in order. Commencement, stop thinking you will become rich by selling your ideato industry and sitting back and collecting royalty checks for doing cypher. That may be what late-night TV commercials want you to believe, merely it is non reality. If inventing were every bit easy as thinking upwardly an thought and riches would follow practically everyone would be a rich inventor! Ideas are a dime a dozen. They are valuable because they are a necessary office of the innovation journeying, just it is non the idea in and of itself that creates monetary value, rather the valuable proposition inventors provide those interested in buying or licensing invention rights is found in the solution.

Inventors brand money past identifying a problem, formulating an idea near how that problem can exist solved, and and so creating a solution. For example, the ascertainment that using a snow shovel to clear snow is a back-breaking try is obvious to anyone who has ever shoveled snow. The want or belief that at that place has to exist a improve manner to remove snow from a residential driveway is likewise not revolutionary, or particularly valuable. The thought that a mechanized solution would make the process faster, easier and cause fewer musculus injuries is a expert i, but without the offer of whatsoever kind of solution the mere idea that a mechanized solution would be fantastic doesn't create any value. But if you were the first person actually able to build a mechanized solution that would throw (or accident) the snowfall off a driveway yous would have an invention that could exist patented, and one that could be quite valuable in the easily of the right licensee. Perhaps royalty checks would ringlet in, simply would it be for doing cypher? That mailbox income that might show upward every quarter for years is attributed to the piece of work done to create a valuable solution to the trouble. The idea matured into an identifiable manifestation that was valuable in the hands of another. An inventor's dream, merely hardly money for doing nix, although the inventor'due south work is frontloaded in this monetization scenario.

Figure 1 from U.S. Patent No. 3,921,315

Essentially, what inventors need to exercise is identify a problem, formulate the idea and and so work toward finding a solution. The in a higher place example of a snow blower is an illustration of a common inventive thought becoming a reality by identifying a job that can be fabricated easier with a new device. The snow blower pictured hither was patented on Nov 25, 1975 and is titled Snow Blower Safety Chute.The improvement hither is with respect to chemical element 22, the safety chute. The patent explains that despite manufacturer warnings people injure themselves every year considering when they attempt to make clean out the compacted snow from the belch chute, they do non stop the engine. Thus, the inventor's desire was to forbid injuries considering a certain number of people – perchance many – won't follow safety directions despite being warned.

The idea was to create a chute that could exist safely cleared while the engine was still running. The solution was the apply of prongs extending downward into a portion of the chute, which could be manipulated by the user to loosen the packed snowfall safely while the engine was still running. The valuable proffer is the solution to the trouble, non the identification of the problem, which the manufacturers knew about because warnings not to articulate the belch chute with the engine running were included.


Many people volition come up upwards with ideas, you've no doubt heard many friends and family talk about their invention ideas. I need a tool that does 10, why hasn't someone idea of Y, this would be amend if only it did Z. For virtually people that is as far as they get, but inventors will go farther, but sometimes volition nevertheless observe themselves getting stuck in the idea phase. If that happens don't just throw in the towel. Many good many inventors will become stuck in the idea stage from time to time, so if that is where y'all are you lot are not alone.

Showtime, information technology may surprise y'all to learn that you lot only think you are stuck in the idea phase and you might actually take an invention without even knowing it notwithstanding. United Statespatent laws do not require y'all to take a epitome in order to employ for a patent, all that is required is that y'all exist able to describe the invention and then that others could make and use it. So, while yous do need to have some kind of identifiable manifestation, you tin can start by proving your concept on paper.

With some guidance to coax out your idea you lot might really have more than you recall. For example, with the aid of someone familiar with CAD and can help you create detailed 2D drawings and 3D renderings of what you are thinking about, y'all might soon realize you lot have an invention and not a mere idea. For example, Enhance Product Developmentworks with inventors to help them turn their inventions into reality, but they also work with those who are on the path toward condign inventors and who need aid at the ideation or concept stage.

Many people will take great ideas, but what separates those who can plow their ideas into coin from those who cannot is a strategy to define the idea with enough specificity then that information technology can become an nugget that can ultimately be protected. To profit from your idea you must package it and then that it is something the law will recognize as protectable.

If you are having difficulty moving out of the idea stage and into the invention phase take a look at Moving From Idea to Patent  and Most the Invention Process . These articles will provide some insights and assist you formulate a plan for reaching the invention stage, which is where you want to be in order to commercialize and monetize your ideas. TheInvent + Patent Organization™ tin as well help. TheInvent + Patent System™is an innovative approach to the patent process that assists inventors in drafting their own provisional patent application. TheInvent + Patent Organisation™has too been effectively used to coax inventors into formulating their ideas in a more than tangible way so that the concepts move from a pure idea into something descriptive enough to be legally viewed as an invention.

I as well encourage all inventors and would-be inventors to read One Uncomplicated Idea: Plow Your Dreams into a Licensing Goldmine, which is an excellent book written byStephen Key ofInvent Right. Although the title may sound like it contradicts some I've written above, Primal is likewise the author of Sell Your Ideas With or Without a Patent, which is another a must read. Cardinal preaches filing provisional patent applications to create perceived ownership (a term I've adopted from him). I've long been a fan of provisional patent applications, which have only go more of import now that the U.S. has become a kickoff inventor to file organization.

First to file has to exist interpreted as file first, which makes filing conditional patent applications apace subsequently an thought has matured into an invention is absolutely critical.  Of class, a poorly prepared and hastily filed provisional patent application volition provide little or no do good. For more than information on provisional patent applications delight run into:

  • Provisional Applications: The Proficient, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Provisional Patents: What are they and why do you demand them?
  • The Benefits of a Conditional Patent Awarding


For more information on patent awarding drafting delight see:

Happy inventing!

Image Source: Deposit Photos.

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